Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jewelry and exercise

So, I've missed a few days, both here and in my exercise.  I have been preparing for the fair and with my jewelry, I feel like the closer the entry date gets, the more ideas I have just waiting to bust out of my head and into the wire.  I've hit a few snags like not being able to get more of a color I really liked, however, that snag led to a change in the design that made the piece better.  I've been working and then going home and spending about 8 hours a day making jewelry.  My hands are yellow from the turmeric I've been covering them in to keep the swelling.  Who'd a thought that a yummy curry spice would be such a strong anti inflammatory?  So, now, even though the minimum is 5 pieces, I have about 11 and counting.  The only downside is that I've neglected my 30 day challenge.  :(  Back to it today though, and tonight is a dance night.

I can't wait to start setting up my display for my jewelry.  I have some really great ideas and can't wait to see what people think of it.  I almost want to hover around my case when I'm down there and listen to what people have to say.


  1. Hang in's a matter of balance when we take on new things. Just keep writing!

  2. How about posting a picture or two of what you're making in here?
